"There is a vitality, a life force an energy a quickening that is translated through you into action. And because there is only one you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium."
I offer body-centered psychotherapy and sex therapy that thaws out traumatic experiences and frees you to choose how you relate to people.
What is trauma?
Trauma is a word without a clear definition.
What one person sees as a traumatic live event may not be categorized as traumatic to the next, but needless to say we all experience trauma at sometime in our life. Trauma can broadly be broken down into incidental and developmental trauma, while social trauma can intersect both.
Why do two kids that grow up in the same chaotic home cope so differently?
While part of it is how we came into this world, part of our in-born nature, there have been studies done that illuminate consistent qualities in people that tend towards resilience.
During the many years I spent as a sex educator at Good Vibrations, I received not only extensive sex education, but attained a high comfort level of speaking with clients about the mechanics of sexual acts as well as unspoken/unconscious desires. I’ve also developed a understanding that many times sex is a microcosm and what is showing up in the bedroom, many times runs over into other aspects of my clients lives.
Pathways to Peace is a 5-week online video course designed to empower you with tools to manage your emotional states effectively and live more vibrant, fulfilling lives. Through video sessions, daily actionable practices, and a supportive community, the course helps individuals identify emotional triggers, enhance their relationships, and develop resilience against life’s stresses.